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Monday, 15 September 2008
arachnid lair
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: sivix
Topic: suffix
take a strike? when on a swing.
sainty sanity mixed up screwd up got it twisted no promise to be made just missedd it quick with the launch of a proper etiquette recipe to make an event go as planned.  Just as I will slice apples in my hand.  I've lost my que to call, and that was all.  Now i can complete my service with muney in the bank and gas in my tank.  I would like to know what fuel Tanks use?
It was a sentance not a question.  trench digging was never a clean job to begin with.  Putting a line down so that i can put some fence up.  Plumbing was never really great on grass as it is.  I think if a writer gets blocked, he might want to pick up the ball instead of the pen.  That's where I begin, Once was in a castle, lit with chandelers went to a picnic in the dungeon, and it was very dark.  Took a look out the window and saw dirt, a hole in the foundation, how absurd. Shabby drab and ratty, this raggedy doll goes in the backseat.  We will be watching it with heavy eyes, weary and waiting for it ta move, hope stays in hearts for thinking there will be a motion with it taking an initiative to get on with an action and then it stays dormant, I wouldn't expect anything of it anyway.  Its just that there are possibility's and nothing is impossible.  SO i'm going to go with another fascious plan, resenting the fact that there's no promotional data to give me a clue at what to do or what else there is to proceed onto, but when i do its ruder than jude, and done with encapsulated emotion, not the regular fuel driven road rage, or the potentially harmful alcoholic fit.  Its just dusting the surface, then approaching a new topic.  Horton Has Ears.

Posted by iamonhomerow at 4:56 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 25 June 2008
evident evidence
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: metal gear solid soundtrack, OST
Topic: evasion
replaying repetitively the rerun or review of resisting the really horrid and horrific , terrible and some interns for the boss, getting rid of those terrifically relying on reloading and reinventing sneak-stealth-crouch-quiet-undetectable attacking mode.  and if detected reversing their move to bring me or realistically the statistically challanged challanger that is an opponent to react to my plan.  strategically putting down the combinatiion of actions to pursue those in my aim.  and completely eliminate those in the chrono-trigger.  That switch is tt-tt or aka 2t-2t, They are effectively revised or compromised by my desicions.  In entierly the own personal conditions to abide by, I connect with the blow that will inadvertantly already have struck.  Somewhat like that speed of lightening. Then a cloud burst, and a dissappearance.  Keeping true to the unattained grapple that could be but will not tackle the more elusive of the two.  This adjacent to a more concrete form of attack.  A burst of energy to be released from an aura created, but not just an aura, a burst, from the same essential force that was being drawn from.  Pulling it in, and sinking it into a crater being formed from such a distinct manner of sabotaging the strategy of the other in battle.  Artisan begins with the whole idea of a tradewind being compatible with thier company, and making a market out of their product, comparing it to the consumer so they, (artisan) will in turn release some to the wild, or onto a vareity of searching contenders to affiliate themselves with the applicable standard of demand and supply.

Posted by iamonhomerow at 4:23 PM EDT
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