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Friday, 17 July 2009
point of view on facebook (notes)
Mood:  down
Now Playing: p!nk - i wanna be
Topic: evasion
Ok, off the bat, I think that facebook, the sharing network gives you unintentional capabilities.  Well, you can see what has happened with your neighboring friends, and what the posse of buddies of your closest friends have been up to.  Usually this means you're snooping through someone else's  images, scrapbook, web vidz, notes to self, (all of which are known that they are accessible, but are a little too obviously prevalent )  of course you could brock your buddie.  Who know's  ??  There's just a few reasons I still like to use it.  I think it keeps boredom down to a minimum, it also lets me protect my  big days by putting an alert that I'm going to be out & about.  -  Caringly ,

Posted by iamonhomerow at 11:55 AM EDT
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point of view on facebook (notes)
Mood:  down
Now Playing: p!nk - i wanna be
Topic: evasion
Ok, off the bat, I think that facebook, the sharing network gives you unintentional capabilities.  Well, you can see what has happened with your neighboring friends, and what the posse of buddies of your closest friends have been up to.  Usually this means you're snooping through someone else's  images, scrapbook, web vidz, notes to self, (all of which are known that they are accessible, but are a little too obviously prevalent )  of course you could brock your buddie.  Who know's  ??  There's just a few reasons I still like to use it.  I think it keeps boredom down to a minimum, it also lets me protect my  big days by putting an alert that I'm going to be out & about.  -  Caringly ,

Posted by iamonhomerow at 11:55 AM EDT
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Monday, 4 May 2009
tainted certainty
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: polyphonic spree - anubis
Topic: evasion
Young and restless, heart-felt, watch your back, keep on movin', pull out was next phase, blockading was used as an immobilization barrier reef, no other specimen of enviroment is even close to the natural beauty.  Therefore I might have to visit there, although its just too many frightening fish and squid that might attack me in the water.  Having time to maintain my portfolio is all that I really need to do on the interenet, pruving that there's an outer space, while insisting on filling in the inner space, good at painting, maybe i could get a gig done with that have some mega-deth on the rattlehead and it's really rockin' the row-boat

Posted by iamonhomerow at 2:32 PM EDT
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Monday, 20 October 2008
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: mr. dibbs - photosynthesize
Topic: evasion
well, it's been a week I haven't updated this web-journal blog, diary, entries have been few and far between.  I didn't put down too many notes, but i was rather instead of doing some notes on scratch pad, or stationary such as this, would like to use a music book and the other keys (ivory) and possibly show off my pianist skills.  I wasn't very talented, but my pianist talents are probably improving with all of the typing that I have done in the past.  Plus, I was also hoping that it was not a Baby-grand nor a player, but one that I control the strokes.  I was thinking of a grand piano.  If i knew what the sounds were supposed to be like in the percussion of the stringed , which means it is one or the other, or either in other words, but the identity of it is a little ambiguous.  I would like to figure that one out sometimes .  Yea, but no one in my neighborhood really plays them except for the old grunt that lets me sometimes mash on the sets of sticky keys.  For a whale, their teeth would make nice keys.  And tusks from elephants, which i believe were used.  So anyway, I wasn't going to be so elaborate today, and I was actually not going to break down the compound into the elements that make it up, because that would be considered fission.  Its actually a pretty complex inginuitive and highly dangerous procedure which will work with wonderful wind-resistant and water resistant to keep condensing from occuring.  I would like some condensed milk tonight.  But even more, some cider.  I have given up on much of this for the time being, but i am a human being so I can crave cider continuously, and still remain calm and cool and collected.  Bye.

Posted by iamonhomerow at 8:47 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 25 June 2008
evident evidence
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: metal gear solid soundtrack, OST
Topic: evasion
replaying repetitively the rerun or review of resisting the really horrid and horrific , terrible and some interns for the boss, getting rid of those terrifically relying on reloading and reinventing sneak-stealth-crouch-quiet-undetectable attacking mode.  and if detected reversing their move to bring me or realistically the statistically challanged challanger that is an opponent to react to my plan.  strategically putting down the combinatiion of actions to pursue those in my aim.  and completely eliminate those in the chrono-trigger.  That switch is tt-tt or aka 2t-2t, They are effectively revised or compromised by my desicions.  In entierly the own personal conditions to abide by, I connect with the blow that will inadvertantly already have struck.  Somewhat like that speed of lightening. Then a cloud burst, and a dissappearance.  Keeping true to the unattained grapple that could be but will not tackle the more elusive of the two.  This adjacent to a more concrete form of attack.  A burst of energy to be released from an aura created, but not just an aura, a burst, from the same essential force that was being drawn from.  Pulling it in, and sinking it into a crater being formed from such a distinct manner of sabotaging the strategy of the other in battle.  Artisan begins with the whole idea of a tradewind being compatible with thier company, and making a market out of their product, comparing it to the consumer so they, (artisan) will in turn release some to the wild, or onto a vareity of searching contenders to affiliate themselves with the applicable standard of demand and supply.

Posted by iamonhomerow at 4:23 PM EDT
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