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Wednesday, 15 April 2009
beaners over my frenz
Now Playing: clay aiken - rising moon
I get up.  And nothing lets me down.  (emergency stairs)  I put up a bank from the arc.  And before it gets over the arc it gets shot down.  I prepared to go out, but then I got sprayed by the hose.  I expected some mail, then I didn't get a letter.  I looked for price tags, but there were no numbers on them.  I suprised myself, but then I had a heart attack.  Anyway, enough of that ramble, I have some new things going onto the internet which I believe to be a big deal.  It's a video on youtube feel like seeing some good blues and rythm then you're in the right spot if you have clicked on that link and aren't reading this anymore...  Ta - ta for now  Toodles, and see You around

Posted by iamonhomerow at 1:22 PM EDT
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