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Saturday, 14 February 2009
Now Playing: constructed treads
here's a commonology that i wasn't too kknowledgable at :  was the sayin'g  Laughing stalk or laughing stock

Posted by iamonhomerow at 5:59 PM EST
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Saturday, 7 February 2009
colonel konizak
semper fi

Posted by iamonhomerow at 5:32 AM EST
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Tuesday, 27 January 2009
hurdle leaping
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: surely not soley self-centered
you are gay.  You're so gay that you've read someone's quote of another person who is using a defensivce stra\teget to repel the offense of the opposition. LOL btye. HA, ther's no wrong doing here, just eep it simple, and not complex, it gets too complicated when things are complex.  Perplexed, befuddled, confused, astounded?  Reply with someone's commentary, arbitrarily allotted amounts of access to comply with comments are arranged below the box of jibber-jabber...

Posted by iamonhomerow at 5:25 PM EST
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Sunday, 25 January 2009
feast in finland
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: spoon - haymaker
UndecidedSmirk, Frowngrimace, Cryfrown, Yelld'oh

wow, people are still on the Global web.  I've surrendered to the WAN its all under the umbrella.  Who needs fortune tellers when there are fortune cookies?  And I still connect on the web with IP-voice chat, but not too much, in moderation.  I look at the sites that are completed in the construction process.  No new grounds, rotten tomatoes, steak and cheese, or goat secx but, there's plent of other willing to be smothered with my attention >-< asteroids?

Posted by iamonhomerow at 1:52 PM EST
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Friday, 16 January 2009
went to the ol' country
Now Playing: moonshine days - twisted sisjter
here's a photograph
have to put more up occasionally..  Hope you like!

Posted by iamonhomerow at 2:57 PM EST
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Wednesday, 7 January 2009
trepidous track tang
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: mr. cheeks - lights, camera , action
Topic: suffix
in sudden disbelief, for being abashed, and bashflu.  Since really there weren't much contingencies, restrictions, regulations, rules, guidelines, stipulations, and contending applications of laws or litigation.  So it is unlawful to smoke bud, I heard.  I experienced, and I suffered the consequence.  Now I am out of the ring of the athletes who can trek on the grounds of insufficient results for tests.  Than again I may just be fitting it in.  (to the crowd)  And i'll remain sustain and maintain, but try to keep it ingrained in my brain.  *_*  #_#

Posted by iamonhomerow at 1:27 PM EST
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Friday, 28 November 2008
hot creation of fixed appetites
Now Playing: though - entrant
then i derive a method to complicate/  I missed my apologies towards those who have burdened me.  No other comments for a good reason.  Not having the greatest time, although, its intent is to paste this :
 *ps:  I didn't actually post toward the contribution, but am a member

Posted by iamonhomerow at 10:34 PM EST
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Sunday, 16 November 2008
the enticing gander onto a journeys first extent
Now Playing: randy rhodes - silence
here I am sitting broadly shouldered lanky legged, gurgly stomach , and flacid johnson, what do you expect?  Here, take this as a form of prose even though it goes as a run-on.  You'll appreciate the many misinterpreted phrases that go like white on rice.  Therefore, just sit back entertain yourself with an itty bitty diddy which was written when I was out of the city.  Get involved with my antics.  I was anticipating your gawking , please just give it a gander, I think you'll find it worth while, and this is where it begins:  I'm postive for a few tests, One of which that has been confirmed is my new middle name Thom.  I like the sound of it.  I can be two disciples as I speak.  Nevermind the possibility of embodying two people however, I am still one.  Low and behold the beautyin the eye ofthe beholder, since it is what is inside or (the feelings emotions, and attentive behavior that might prove this)  Seriously I haven't made too many advancements in my online serving towards a claim to fame.  I might as well begin a new hobby.  This is the begining to that endevor.  It might become a time-consuming waste, abort the first mission.  Get back onto the footholds and i think the climbing into the peak which would be a present of achievement once completed, but can still be pursued.  This next iota of my own attraction to spending time would most likely be either comic book collecting or another form of making collections.  That would be oneoption, not so sure however if there are any other floating ficticious untangible objects around.  I guess that one of them would have to be buying a dog and continuously walking it.  I don't think a Doberman would suffice because they would be furocious and take off without warning.

Posted by iamonhomerow at 8:20 PM EST
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Monday, 3 November 2008
the beginning of a new reform
Now Playing: fugasi - labor intensive
To begin explaining the explanation in an explanatory measure, I was first starting to get all my processes and attention directed towards going to do the work needed to remain an employee.  Then again, I am also getting leisure activities into my agenda.  For one, I have gotten to go out sk8ing with my pal, and other  sk8ers.  It also is looking positively perfect to get my snowboarding career for the year begun.  I also wanted to go out on a few other hiking adventures and possibly go fishing.   There are fun things to do around here, and it is seemingly possible to get any other activity that is awaited done.  For now I was going to get my change to take care of the laundering, and that was just a suggestion from all of the old clothes that are laying around in the room.  The room has remained pretty clean, but if we can, it should get maintained also by another individual.  There are a couple wavering chaotic schedule checkpoints that would have to get addressed.  Such as, I will have to take care of getting new bedding and a few other completely normal routine preparations.  Ok, got to go now, bye

Posted by iamonhomerow at 1:56 PM EST
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Friday, 24 October 2008
evidence pointing to you
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: previously...
Topic: suffix
In a nutshell, the whole day is scopped out.  Something planned right after another thing. Hold your horses I have to do some quick wash.I was going to bring it retro back into the era where story telling was allowed, but now there is no time for that.  I must get a few activities done and those are to get calling around towards my medicine being delivered, cancelling my auto insurance, changing my mailing address, parking my car away for the winter, and a few assorted other tasks.  Therefore I will get that done now, except I need to look over one other webpage or i will update it later, that wasn't it, so don't go there .  Unh uh.

Posted by iamonhomerow at 12:07 PM EDT
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