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Wednesday, 23 September 2009
going out for a hot sex
have business to tend to, hope you weren't expecting an elaborate story for today, it's only P's And Q's, so you should mind your own!

Posted by iamonhomerow at 7:16 PM EDT
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Saturday, 25 July 2009
oh so common
Mood:  suave
Now Playing: adoration music
After a long night not along  a , long , tedious , heavy drinking night, without relenting.  I was beside myself.  Something had happened that didn't allow me to process time, space, matter, animation, vs. reality in general.  I was laid up in bed and didn't get out until after 1PM.  I actually made some lunch for myself though.  Grilled Cheese and Eggs.  It was a pretty good combo, but haha, i have to tell you about this.  i dropped my water on the plate and then had a soggy bread and wet eggs.  The meal nearly perfect was brought down to an 8.5 out of 10.  It had its benefits.  Anyway, I get done with that, and go online so being online i take care of writing analysises and observational data.  I also get to view some crazy videos and some regularly boring even videos.  And that just adds to how many times man, it's hard to believe all these times that I've spent time doing this very same thing.  But still it hasn't gotten extremely boring, i can handle the boredom factor because it just keeps me out of trouble elsewhere, and also gives me something to do with my hands instead of video games where you only save on things related to that system, on here you can be connected to the worldwide web and actually save your conversations, unless verbal.   Which brings me to another point:  Skype , A VoiP program.  I want to dowlaod it bow, and use my microphone , arrow.  This will just allow some communication around the country that I don't know about dialect, and let me in on some ever - expanding terretories.  By the way, last night i was with some girls that i know from my childhood, which makes it kind of awkward being around them now.  Just like a blast from the past, but anyway, I was with them and we chatted a little bit , but we were in a smoky bar and the place was darker than two shades pulled @ night inside a cardboard box.  I think we got along still.  We still held a mutual friendship that I know will not cease.  We were kind of like the rejects from the big-main-line-corporate-stream colleges, we just kept busy in town and didn;t get caught up in malarchy everywhere else.  Anything that we did would always be b-grade.  but grand in scale.  everytime we get together, we are about to go bowling, and then plans change, but tonight however, i think we might all gather to get our plans straight for once.  That is beside the point.  I thought about when last night we where at Kyle's wait not Kyle's , Keiths' and we are having man talk.  Except this is the stuff that doesn't involve me normally because we were just trying to catch-up.  and I didn't really hang out with the bros from back a few years ago, only rarely.  So this all was fine and dandy and then we slowed the pace a little, trying to get a connection to coe through, and it slowly and surely seemed to be working but then we had a dissappointment, and nothing semed to work out after that, especially for me because then i was out of there like lickety split and wanted to get some sleep because i had taken my pill before we even went to the bar and as the label says Increases Drowsiness.  Which it did.  infact i was about to hit the hay right then and there.  but luckliy i could get home first, and by that time i was excruciatingly hungry, so i made a snack before bed, and then slept for a good 10 hours.  which brings me back to after lunch here on my comp.  just downtime for today, while waiting for my other pals to wake up, and begin our rituals for a weekend.  thus gettin out and having a gay ol' time.

Posted by iamonhomerow at 2:52 PM EDT
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Friday, 17 July 2009
point of view on facebook (notes)
Mood:  down
Now Playing: p!nk - i wanna be
Topic: evasion
Ok, off the bat, I think that facebook, the sharing network gives you unintentional capabilities.  Well, you can see what has happened with your neighboring friends, and what the posse of buddies of your closest friends have been up to.  Usually this means you're snooping through someone else's  images, scrapbook, web vidz, notes to self, (all of which are known that they are accessible, but are a little too obviously prevalent )  of course you could brock your buddie.  Who know's  ??  There's just a few reasons I still like to use it.  I think it keeps boredom down to a minimum, it also lets me protect my  big days by putting an alert that I'm going to be out & about.  -  Caringly ,

Posted by iamonhomerow at 11:55 AM EDT
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point of view on facebook (notes)
Mood:  down
Now Playing: p!nk - i wanna be
Topic: evasion
Ok, off the bat, I think that facebook, the sharing network gives you unintentional capabilities.  Well, you can see what has happened with your neighboring friends, and what the posse of buddies of your closest friends have been up to.  Usually this means you're snooping through someone else's  images, scrapbook, web vidz, notes to self, (all of which are known that they are accessible, but are a little too obviously prevalent )  of course you could brock your buddie.  Who know's  ??  There's just a few reasons I still like to use it.  I think it keeps boredom down to a minimum, it also lets me protect my  big days by putting an alert that I'm going to be out & about.  -  Caringly ,

Posted by iamonhomerow at 11:55 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 1 July 2009
couch tipping
i don't have many pre-sets in my life.  BUt one is to come on my computer.  Have a cup o tea , knead some dough, smoke some thistle, and listen to lulliby by shaun mullins. I do this preset in my sleep.  Then you may ask why i contradict myself by saying listen to a lulliby in my sleep.  Well that is because well, really there is no explanation it is unsolvable.  I guess i could be literal and tell you it is becasue i sleep-walk and know how to use a computer so well that I can even do it on my spare bed-time.  Whenever I get truthfully bored, I concede to blogging.

Posted by iamonhomerow at 12:40 AM EDT
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Monday, 4 May 2009
tainted certainty
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: polyphonic spree - anubis
Topic: evasion
Young and restless, heart-felt, watch your back, keep on movin', pull out was next phase, blockading was used as an immobilization barrier reef, no other specimen of enviroment is even close to the natural beauty.  Therefore I might have to visit there, although its just too many frightening fish and squid that might attack me in the water.  Having time to maintain my portfolio is all that I really need to do on the interenet, pruving that there's an outer space, while insisting on filling in the inner space, good at painting, maybe i could get a gig done with that have some mega-deth on the rattlehead and it's really rockin' the row-boat

Posted by iamonhomerow at 2:32 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 15 April 2009
beaners over my frenz
Now Playing: clay aiken - rising moon
I get up.  And nothing lets me down.  (emergency stairs)  I put up a bank from the arc.  And before it gets over the arc it gets shot down.  I prepared to go out, but then I got sprayed by the hose.  I expected some mail, then I didn't get a letter.  I looked for price tags, but there were no numbers on them.  I suprised myself, but then I had a heart attack.  Anyway, enough of that ramble, I have some new things going onto the internet which I believe to be a big deal.  It's a video on youtube feel like seeing some good blues and rythm then you're in the right spot if you have clicked on that link and aren't reading this anymore...  Ta - ta for now  Toodles, and see You around

Posted by iamonhomerow at 1:22 PM EDT
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Sunday, 5 April 2009
trivial details
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: loz - oot
to denounce myself as unknowing is a little pre-madonna-ish, ;)

I pronounce the wedded ones allyson and archie together at last.  To live richly and famously. 

Put together a jig=saw muzzle.  That was indicated for Rcik A1 Sauce.

Take a trip to an out-of-this-state place, such as boom-town.

5N4K3 B417 -as seen in Leah's driveway.

Coventry almost turned me down, but was unwilling to accept my full esteem just wane3d a low-ambition state-of-0mind. 

Clever ogre, you out-battled an orc.  Pic-axe for furious riveting into the ore. 

(WOW comment:  toguild: is your item missing an item?)

Gee wendy, your on the 76 hof from all that premium unleaded you've been using.

Elliptical was my next buy-in.  It's just that you should have a straight fundamental routine configured for each day of the week. MOnday , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Satrady, and maybe Sunday, although that can be considered a day of relaxment.

Posted by iamonhomerow at 12:54 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 15 April 2009 1:22 PM EDT
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Saturday, 14 February 2009
Now Playing: constructed treads
here's a commonology that i wasn't too kknowledgable at :  was the sayin'g  Laughing stalk or laughing stock

Posted by iamonhomerow at 5:59 PM EST
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Saturday, 7 February 2009
colonel konizak
semper fi

Posted by iamonhomerow at 5:32 AM EST
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